5,000 MILES

We've got roots in New England. Well, sort of. A healthy 5,074 miles separated our Hawaii-born founder from the biting North East when he transplanted half a decade ago.

The new, four seasons of unpredictable weather stage was set, but Eric Hui's plan wasn't to start an outerwear company to compete with the legends of winter apparel... In fact, his appreciation for New England outdoors prompted him to try all types of great brands and gear. But, he kept coming up short of what he aesthetically wanted and functionally needed....

Eric realized sometimes you gotta throw your hat in the ring to get what you want, even by starting your own company.


TERRA: Planet Earth. PanaCEA: The goddess of universal remedy.

Everyday Possibilities

Today, Terracea is the active embodiment of all-season readiness. We're the seamless solution of fit and function for ever-changing weather: Made for New England, ready worldwide.

And because our products are inspired by, tested, and proved in one of the world's most diverse and extreme climates, we strive to be your universal remedy for everyday possibilities.


The future of outdoor recreation is optimized preparedness, the design cornerstone of Terracea gear. Exploring this planet should be a nimble sport, not a burden of complication. We want to remove that barrier of entry for everyday humans, and deliver gear anyone can quickly adapt to.

From the expert outdoorsmen to novices, we embolden you to hit the ground running, embrace the stiff winds, find peace on old mountain trails, and simply do the harder thing anyways. Embrace Life.

Terracea is your silent partner throughout it all. We'll see you out there!